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A Thing or Two About SUPER STEAK.

I was looking at some old photos collection on my hard-drive and realized that I need to post about this favorite steak place of mine. It’s not a fancy steak restaurant, you can dress up as casual as you want and just bring your appetite, and they will take care of your meat craving. Meet SUPER STEAK

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Outback Steakhouse's New Outlet at Kuningan City

You just can't say no when Outback Steakhouse invites you to a friendly blogger gathering, right? You put on a smile, empty your calendar, and prepare for a meat-vaganza feast. Outback is well-known for its Australian themed steakhouse, although it was originally founded in Tampa (FL), so it's basically an American casual dining restaurant that has hundreds of franchised chains across the world. In Indonesia, they started off in 2001 and now they have just opened their 3rd branch at Kuningan City, following their previous success at Ratu Plaza & Pondok Indah outlets.

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