[THROWBACK] Meet the First Ever STARBUCKS Store

It’s the end of September already and while I was looking back at last year’s blog posts, turns out that today coincide with my Seattle Trip coverage and I can’t believe I only had 1 post about it. That just felt plain wrong. True that  Pike Place Market is the soul of Seattle  but there is so much more to that. Other than the infamous-yet-nasty Seattle’s Gum Wall, let’s not forget that Pike Place is the birthplace of the largest coffeehouse chain in the world:  Starbucks. And it contributes to the renowned fact that Seattle is always listed as one of the Top 10 Coffee Capital of the world.

There’s a long winding history before Starbucks makes its way to every corner of your building next-door, you can hear what Wiki says. But to sum up, the video below quite explains.

"In 1971, Starbucks opened their first store in the middle of Seattle’s Pike Place Market. Howard Schultz visited that store and enjoyed his first real cup of coffee. That one cup of Sumatra changed him forever. From that moment on, he wanted everyone to have the same experience."

It all started with a cup of coffee in 1971.


They also have the infamous Starbucks Pike Place Roast that is said to be their smoothest coffee ever. I tried one but since I'm no coffee aficionados, I can only tell you that it's really really nice. Smooth, subtle and balanced.

...and 37 years later, what started as a dream to build an honest brand and personal connection, all while serving great coffee, has turned into reality all over the world every day for everyone to enjoy.
— [video] Starbucks: In the Beginning

Oh how I would love to go there again. And if you do come to Seattle, please also try the local coffee shops such as Zoka and Caffe Vita. I only tried Zoka because my dear friend-slash-barista-slash-coffee-rockstar Daniel Kaurrany told me so, but again, since I'm no coffee aficionados I can't really tell the difference, but somehow those local brewing houses did smell better :p


Starbucks Pike Place

1912 Pike Place. Seattle, WA 981011013 
Phone: (206) 448-8762