Going for Something Bold? Try MIE ACEH LOBSTER.
You know the phrase ‘A picture’s worth a thousand words’ right? Tell me how much you see from this pic on the right:
Read More…You know the phrase ‘A picture’s worth a thousand words’ right? Tell me how much you see from this pic on the right:
Read More…Have you tried Acehnese cuisine? Aceh is a special region located at the northern end of Sumatra, which also denotes the westernmost province of Indonesia. Culinary-wise, Aceh is highly influenced by peranakan Malay / Arab / Indian cuisine, which translated into lots of herb & spices usage in cooking and it's mostly curry heavy like other Sumatra regions e.g. Padang. Few samples of Aceh cuisine that I could think of: Ayam Tangkap, Sambal Ganja, Mie Kepiting Aceh, Kuah Pli'u, Timphan, etc.
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