7x7 Day 2: Object Crafting of "Mr. Flexible"

For Day 2, I decided to craft an actual object. I was inspired by this pilates business card (see below) which is really, really brilliant in my opinion. I know it looked easy but as someone who have spent most of her life dealing with the digital world only, crafting is definitely NOT an easy task for me. Like, seriously I'd prefer to whip up HTML/CSS/JS pages in a fly rather than dealing with this fear of crafting. But the point of 7x7 Project is to conquer all of the challenges, so let's just do this!


Earlier today I bought a bright turqoise plastic folder map at Staples, made some measurement detail plan, and then 'butchered' them into pieces of limb/body parts. Those limbs are going to be jointed by these cute mini "BRADS" (thank YOU Christina!) that will act as rotation hinges so that each limb can move flexibly around each other. The goal is to make this plastic-paper-based toy/robot interactive.


The final result actually was pretty good, and I had so much fun playing around with brads. It was my second time crafting an object (Have....you met Mr. Positive? LOL) and I know both of them have no electrical components whatsoever, but I'm proud enough to say that this was definitely a great practice before doing some real Physical Computing in the future program.


UPDATE: I continued working on Mr. Flexible and decide to give him a 'life'. Check out my 7x7 Day 3 post about Stop-motion Graphics + Narratives.
