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Explore Music using Spotify Web API

Last week I played around with Spotify Web API and made something really simple: Music Explorer. Just type any artist, album, or songs in the search box and it will display relevant results depending on the query. When you click on each tile it will play a 30-second preview of related song. You can also click the 'Play on Spotify' button and it will launch the Spotify web player on a new window.

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Mapping, Tracking, and Recording for 72hrs Project

Next project after 7x7 from Sven is to map, track and record something for straight 72 hours and then process the data into some other form - it could be data visualization, web, audio, video, timelapse, program, etc. I decided to record myself, all of my activities: what I eat, what I drink, where do I go, what do I do, how long do I sleep, how many times I peed, and some other basic stuff. So here it goes, I made an interactive web timeline using Timeline.js and Isotope JS plugin to present the data from September 6th, 2014 09:00:00 AM to September 9th, 2014 09:00:00 AM.

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7x7 Project Explained: The Big Theme

In summary, even though all of my 7x7 project for Major Studio 1 looks too random, they actually have a big theme in it, which relates to the "7 DEADLY SINS".

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7x7 Day 7: Animated Timeline - Being Vegan for A Day

For my last project of 7x7 I had this fun & crazy idea of challenging myself to be vegan for a day. The overall journey is presented into animated timeline which you can see minute-by-minute activities happened during the time. 

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7x7 Day 5: Physical Exploration of An Old Telephone

So today my roommate gave me an old unused landline telephone and she said that I can play around with it. And so I did. I have never once in my life would think of 'butchering' unused gadgets just to see how the things inside actually worked, but I thought this might be interesting for one of my 7x7 projects.

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7x7 Day 3: Stop-motion Graphics + Narrative of Mr. Flexible

Based on my previous Day 2 project, for today I decided to do something about Mr. Flexible and give him exactly what he wanted since the beginning: A LIFE. So I made this web page using HTML/CSS/JavaScript to showcase its interactivity using stop-motion graphics, along with narratives of the story behind Mr. Flexible. 

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7x7 Day 2: Object Crafting of "Mr. Flexible"

For Day 2, I decided to craft an actual object. I was inspired by this pilates business card (see below) which is really, really brilliant in my opinion. I know it looked easy but as someone who have spent most of her life dealing with the digital world only, crafting is definitely NOT an easy task for me.

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7x7 Day 1: Infographic "WHY SEVEN?"

The first assignment for our Major Studio 1 class this semester is something that we called "7x7", in which we have to create 7 daily projects in 7 days. There are no rules, no definition, all seven projects can be under one big theme or also can be totally random, it was up to the students. The only constraint is time. We have to move on from one project to another in 24 hours. This is a really challenging exercise but I'll have to do it anyway. 

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Interactive Book Reader for Invisible Cities by Italo Calvano

During Bootcamp 2014 we had this one task in Design section to explore our mastery background and then frame it within the context of "Invisible Cities" by Italo Calvano. At first I wasn't sure what I should do especially since it's only a few days project, but looking back at my old portfolio I soon realize that maybe I should just create an app.

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